Let Nothing Trouble You

There is a powerful poem by St. Theresa of Avila that I have used in many occasions when times in my life are difficult, and that I have shared with my loved ones when they are going through trials themselves. The poem, written by Theresa of Avila, a Spanish mystic and Carmelite nun born in 1515 and canonized by the Catholic Church in 1622, consists of 9 verses, written originally in Spanish.
IMG_3444I wanted to share the poem with a dear friend who is currently going through a time of trials, and he doesn’t speak Spanish. When I searched on Google for the translation I was disappointed to find that most translations only present the first verse. Even though the first verse is already very powerful, I think a big part of the delight and healing from this beautiful poem is lost when not translated in full.
In leu of not finding any other translation for the whole poem, I have decided to do the translation of the full text myself and share it with you. I hope it benefits you. Keep it close by.

Let Nothing Trouble you (Nada te Turbe)
By Theresa of Avila

English Translation by Raquel Cepeda

“Let nothing trouble you
Let nothing frighten you
All things pass away.
God never changes.
Patience reaches everything
God alone is enough.

Let your thoughts elevate
Raise them up to heaven
Let nothing sadden you
Let nothing trouble you.

Follow Jesus
with an open heart
And whatever comes
Let nothing frighten you.

Do you see the glory of the world?
It’s vain glory
Nothing has of stable
All things pass away.

Aspire to the celestial
Which lasts forever.
Faithful and rich in promises,
God never changes.

In trust and ardent faith
maintain the soul,
that he, who believes and waits
reaches everything.

Although by fires of hell besieged
He saw himself
He, who has God
Will flout it’s flames.

Come to him tribulations
Crosses, abandonment.
Being God his treasure
He lacks nothing.

Go then, wordily possessions
Go away, vain joys.
Although I lose it all,
God alone is enough.”

The Flow

If something or someone goes out of your life, always give thanks, the Universe is giving you space for something better.
Let it flow. Go with the flow, and soon enough you’ll find yourself in a much better place.

The Helix


M106 Spiral Galaxy as imaged using the Hubble Telescope. Image available at hubblesite.org

M106 Spiral Galaxy as imaged using the Hubble Telescope. Image available at hubblesite.org

at all levels,

in all sizes,



All in rounds,

all in cycles.


The Helix.


All the levels of creation,

different frequencies,

different scales,

separate our dimensions.

And yet all


and circulates…

all in rounds,

all in cycles.


That which looks still,

is not.


It mumbles and rumbles

like the river.

Can you hear it?

The speed at which you travel,

can you see it?


And at this level,

where we can experience our own consciousness,

we are just a step in this infinite progression of




That, which is inside us,

and outside us,

and that moves,

and its consciousness,

can you feel it?


Yet we are all contained into each other.

Ever traveling.

Ever cycling.

Ever expanding.

Like the Helix.

Train epiphanies on beauty, love, and intention


By Raquel Cepeda 2013

In 2012, on a train journey from Sorrento to Rome, Italy, I had an epiphany. I had to take my notebook and write.

“Beauty is not a superficial thing. It’s the most sublime expression of love. As beautiful are the flowers, the infinite shapes and colors of fish, the feathers of the birds, the patterns on the wings of the butterflies. Beauty is intention, and intention is what sustains the universe in place.”

Let everything your do to yourself and to others be impregnated of that love and that beauty. Love expressed in how you care for yourself. Love poured into your work. And love expressed in your gifts to others.




Epifanías de tren acerca de la belleza, el amor y la intención

Por Raquel Cepeda, 2013

En 2012, en un viaje de Sorrento a Roma, Italia, tuve una revelación. Tuve que tomar mi carderno y escribir.

“La belleza no es una cosa superficial. Es la expresión más sublime del amor. Como bellas son las flores, las infinitas formas y colores de los peces, el plumaje de los pájaros, los patrones en las alas de las mariposas. La belleza es intención, y la intención es lo que mantiene al universo en su lugar.”

Que todo lo que hagas por ti mismo y por otros esté impregnado de ese amor y esa belleza. Amor expresado en en cuidado hacia ti mismo. Amor derramado en tu trabajo. Y amor expresado en tus dones hacia los demás.

Dance to connect to the Universe

Dance is an exercise for the soul. To enjoy it you have to stop looking outside and turn your attention to the inside. You are forced to live a moment completely engaged in the present. It is the climax of all the cognitive and spiritual faculties given to us: the natural appreciation for music, the expression of the visual, quick decision making, emotional intention, and ability to learn.

Dance when you are joyous, and dance to seek joy as well. Dance to connect yourself with the Universe, dance to connect with others, just as the wisdom of the ancient cultures brought into sacred practice. For rhythm, pulses, movement, and cycles are the natural state of all things created. From the smallest atom with it’s particles orbiting around it, to the beats of your heart, to the orbiting of the stars around the galaxies and the galaxies moving trough the universe. Our physical world is woven through the steady, rhythmic, movement that happens at every level of the creation.

Danza para conectarte con el Universo

La danza es un ejercicio para el alma. Para disfrutarla, debes dejar de mirar hacia afuera y enfocar tu atención hacia adentro. Mientras danzas, estás forzado a vivir un momento completamente presente en el aquí y el ahora. Es el cónclave de todas las facultades cognitivas y espirituales que nos han sido otorgadas: la apreciación natural por la música, la expresión de lo visual, la capacidad para la toma rápida de decisiones, intención emocional, y la capacidad para aprender.

Danza cuando estés gozoso y danza, a la vez, para sentir gozo. Danza para conectarte con el Universo, y danza para conectarte con los demás, tal como las culturas antiguas hicieron de ésta una práctica sagrada. Pues el ritmo, los pulsos, el movimiento, y los ciclos son el estado natural de todas las cosas que han sido creadas. Desde el más pequeño de los átomos, pasando por los latidos de tu corazón, hasta el orbitar de las estrellas al rededor de su galaxia, y el movimiento de las galaxias en el universo. Nuestro mundo físico está tejido a través del movimiento sostenido y rítmico que ocurre a todos los niveles de la creación.

Photo by Diana Simonetta

Nothing more important than working for peace

So, here is my take on the Kony video. You have to judge by yourself. Question perceptions vs. realities, remember that media message is a great builder of those perceptions, and that behind those images there is human people trying to portray a message, for good or for bad… That’s the reality for every commercial, for every advertisement out there.

The interesting thing is that some people behind those messages are merchants trying to make money by changing your perceptions as to what should be defined as ‘cool’, ‘high status’, ‘beautiful’ or ‘successful’ in order to get you to buy their products and make you fulfill those images. They pour all their focus and intention to drive your thoughts, to settle those images and fabricated concepts into your perception field.

And it’s all driven by the necessity of making money. Understandable, we all need to eat; but dangerous, as most people out there on the receiving end will not make the effort of questioning what’s behind those ‘suggested’ perceptions. Who would pour thousands or millions of dollars to have a commercial running on TV if they weren’t needing to sell something?

Authentically good things don’t need much advertisement.

But when someone out there pours their focus, creativity, and intention in bringing awareness to a problem and impact our surroundings for the best, or even go further and believe that they can really make a difference in this world, and uses all those perception-changing techniques in a professional, polished, organized way… I have to give them the credit, and stand up for an applause.

And reflect to myself… how can I learn from what he is doing?

A man called Jason Russell with his “Invisible Children” movement took that option, and I admire that. I have always thought that there should be nothing more important than working for peace. He found a way to make it happen and still be able to feed his family. He created an organization. He surrounded himself of very smart, creative people, and made sure that he communicated well the vision, the mission, and the importance of their work. He communicated a new reality as he dreamt it.

And I can read through his video all the intention, all the focus, all the well intentioned, deliberate thinking that went into making it.

He was found acting incoherent at a street in San Diego recently and his family alleges that it is the impact of all the booming and the criticism that the video has received. I don’t know the details of the circumstances, but as a human being I can understand that mis-happening. The video has had a massive viewing and has been criticized in every aspect and manner. However, the incident does not deter me from admiring his effort, seeing his fruits, keep thinking of how many tyrants are out there, and reflecting to myself… There is nothing more important than working for peace.


Original video Kony 2012 by Jason Russell to create awareness about guerilla leader Joseph Kony who abducted kids in Uganda and immediacies and made atrocities with them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Y4MnpzG5Sqc

Response from the CEO of Invisible Children, Ben Keesey to the criticism to the organization: http://vimeo.com/38344284

Past, Present and Future… same pages of a book

Past, present, future… everything co-exists as a book which pages stack within a discrete volume, within this same envelope of red cells and bones.

The past sediments itself in black and white, handwritten in italic letters over yellowed pages.

The future, that section of the book that mistakenly seems to be blank, shows its appearance as if without signs or clues, with millions of possibilities. With uncertainties. With decisions that await to be taken. It’s the dimension of the dreams.

The present is the dimension of the senses. It has sounds, form, and dresses itself in bright colors. It is heard, sang, spoken. Walked. It is action. And you can only live in the present by perceiving. By moving. By doing.

Yet it all is close to the center. It is a unit. You are your past as you are your future. You own the memories and the flavors of all that is already written as you own the images that you want to be stamped on those parallel blank pages. As you own the messages of the woman or the man that you will be and that whispers the decisions that you need to make.. today.

Pasado, Presente y Futuro… páginas de un mismo libro

Pasado, presente, futuro… todo co-existe como un libro cuyas hojas se apilan dentro de un volumen definido, dentro de este mismo envoltorio de células rojas y huesos.

El pasado se sedimenta en blanco y negro, con letras cursivas y páginas amarillas.

El futuro, esa sección que pareciera estar engañosamente en blanco, se muestra sin señales y sin pistas, con millones de posibilidades. Con incertidumbres. Con decisiones que esperan ser tomadas. Es la dimensión de los sueños.

El presente es la dimensión de los sentidos. Tiene sonido, forma, y se viste de vivos colores. Se escucha, se canta, se habla, se camina. Es acción. Y solo se vive en el presente percibiendo. Andando. Haciendo.

Pero pasado y futuro están igual de cercanos al centro. Son una unidad. Eres el pasado como eres el futuro. Eres dueño de las memorias y de los sabores de todo lo que ya ha sido escrito, así como de las imágenes que quieres sean estampadas en esas blancas páginas paralelas. Como eres dueño de los mensajes de ese hombre o mujer que serás y que en secreto te susurra las decisiones que necesitas tomar… hoy mismo.

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